Education at Congregation B’nai Israel is a top priority for all ages, children and adults alike. Our preschool program introduces students to Jewish holidays, customs and ceremonies, and works to instill within them a love for learning all things Jewish. The Religious School curriculum for older students combines the skills of Hebrew reading with a more in-depth exploration of the practices and observances of Judaism. We use the ISJL education curriculum, enhanced by multiple other resources, to provide the students with a meaningful, relatable, and enjoyable educational opportunity. B’nai Mitzvah candidates receive individual instruction in preparation for the ceremony which marks their acceptance of the obligations and responsibilities of a Jewish adult. Integration of the school into congregational and community activities has included a cookie delivery to community workers on Christmas, Tu B’Shevat fruit skewers, hamantaschen, a Purim skit complete with handmade groggers for the congregation, honey pots for Rosh Hashanah, and matzah holders for our Pesach Seder.